Axel Coussement

Axel Coussement (ULB) specializes in Thermodynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Aircraft Stability, Piston Engines, and Data-Driven Engineering. He completed his studies at ULB and pursued a specialization in piston engines at IFP-School. He embarked on a collaborative PhD thesis on direct numerical simulations of reactive real gas flows, conducted in partnership with the CentraleSupelec EM2C laboratory and the ULB-ATM department.

Appointed as a Professor at ULB in 2016, his research interests include experimental and numerical studies on piston engines, focusing on combined heat and power using new energy carriers such as e-fuels and waste-derived fuels. He also investigates experimental combustion of new energy carriers using optical measurement techniques and explores the integration of heat networks with hydrogen energy storage in urban areas. Additionally, he engages as an invited professor at IFP-School and CentraleSupelec.