Laura Saavedra Lago

Laura Saavedra Lago is a professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics (UPM). Her expertise spans various areas, including Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with a focus on pulverized coal combustion modeling and multi-material compressible flows. She is also well-versed in Numerical Analysis, specializing in Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian methods, Lagrange-Galerkin methods, and Variational Multiscale Stabilization techniques. Laura’s dedication to research and education has made her a respected figure in both academia and the scientific community.

She has been serving as the President of the Women & Mathematics Committee of the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society since 2022, where she actively promotes gender diversity and inclusion in the field. Additionally, Laura has been a valued member of the Spanish Section of the Combustion Institute since 2009, contributing significantly to the advancement of combustion science in Spain.