Mara de Joannon, is Head of Research at Institute of Science and Technology for Sustainable Energy and Mobility (STEMS) of Italian National Research Council (CNR). She currently develops research on advanced combustion processes and technologies, focusing on the utilization of gaseous and liquid energy carriers (alternative and no-carbon fuels, from SAF to ammonia and hydrogen), in efficient and fuel flexible processes/systems, as MILD combustion. As such, she also supports several dissemination and communication activities concernign new energy carriers and technologies. Indeed, among other, she is permanent member of scientific committee of Symposium and Workshop on Ammonia Energy and MILD combustion and of Ammonia Combustion Meeting
Beside the participation at national and international research projects, Dr. de Joannon was the chair of the Management Committee of SMARTCATS COST Action and is MC member and Grant Award Coordinator of WIRE COST Action. She is member of MINICOR consortium, granted in the European Innovation Council Pathfinder framework (2023-2028).
Dr. de Joannon is Fellow of the Combustion Institute and member of the Board of Directors of the Combustion Institute. Colloquium coordinator and co-chair at International Symposium on Combustion, Dr. de Joannon is also Associated Editor of Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, editorial board member of Combustion and Flame and of Journal of Ammonia Energy, Guest Editor for FUEL, Energy&Fuels and Applications in Energy and Combustion Science.
She authored more than 200 contributions published on ISI journals, on the proceedings of international meetings and as book chapters.
She is tutor and member of the scientific committee of master thesis and PhD students in Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II and acted as external international referee for PhD theses at European and non European University.